Orchard Community Church Sermon Audio

Everything We Need

Pastor Dave Daye

Have you ever packed for a trip and then had that feeling like you were forgetting something?  I feel this way every time I pack!  I can't imagine leaving the house for a trip and being absolutely sure that I had everything I needed.  In our "Growing in Grace" sermon series on 2 Peter, we are looking at 2 Peter 1:1-4 in a sermon called "Everything We Need."  In 2 Peter 1:3, Peter tells us that God has given us everything we need to live for him.  This incredible promise changes our entire relationship with God and with the world around us.  No longer do we have to live in fear hoping we measure up to God's standard - He's given us everything we need in Christ!  No longer do we have to seek our happiness or fulfillment in the fleeting things of this world - He has given us everything we need in Christ.  I pray we are amazed at the powerful truth with which Peter starts this brief letter.