Orchard Community Church Sermon Audio
Orchard Community Church is in Rochester, New York. Pastor Dave Daye emphasizes going deep in our understanding and application of God's Word to our lives. Sermons are biblically based and relevant to life.
538 episodes
Be Prepared - Luke 3:1-20
Are you someone who prepares in advance for things or who just shows up and sees what happens? We see in Scripture that God carefully prepares. Throughout the Old Testament he was preparing the world for the coming of Jesus. After Jesus is born...
Fulfilling Our Debts - Romans 13:8-10
There's language thrown around in the church that describes sin in financial terms. Sin is something that puts us in debt and it is a debt we can never pay off. Redemption by our own efforts is impossible. But then, in comes C...
A Higher Commitment - Luke 2:41-52
Who should Jesus be and what should Jesus do? We have expectations all the time of what God should do in our lives or in our world. At the end Luke chapter 2 we read of a situation where a 12-year-old Jesus did not do what his parents expected....
The Big Picture - From Genesis to Revelation
This sermon is an annual tradition of using the first Sunday of the new year to look at an overview of the entire bible. In Scripture, God gives us one big picture of who He is, who we are, the relationship God has created us for, and His plan ...
We continue our journey through the Gospel of Luke as we look at Luke 2:22-41 in a sermon called "Waiting." Here we meet two people, Simeon and Anna, who were eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come. While they waited, they faithful...
The Glory and Humility of the Birth of Jesus
Sometimes Christmas morning doesn't quite go to plan. Maybe as a kid you expected that one perfect gift that you asked for and anticipated and it just didn't happen. Maybe as an adult you had plans for a perfect celebration that wer...
Rejoice in God our Savior
We are looking at Luke 1:26-56 where Mary learns that she is to have a baby who will be the Son of God and the savior of the world. The sermon is called "Rejoice in God our Savior" because God tells Mary that the baby she will bear will b...
Prepare the Way
Preparations are underway for Christmas! Christmas trees are being set up and decorated, lights are decorating yards, even some gifts are being purchased. There is a lot that goes into getting ready for Christmas. But are we truly p...
That You May Know
How can we know that what we believe is true? Is Christianity just some made up religion? Is the birth of Jesus just another story we tell to children along with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? We are starting a new sermon s...
Fear and Hope, Series Conclusion
We conclude our sermon series on "Fear and Hope" by looking back at what we have learned from Scripture about living in the fear of the Lord and how this ties into having hope in the Lord. I pray that we will take away from this series a ...
Growing in Fear and Hope in the Lord
So many things clamor for our attention. We jump from one fear to another and from one hope to another. For about 10 weeks we have looked at the relationship between the Fear of the Lord and having Hope in the Lord. This does ...
Fear, Hope, and Faithfulness
This sermon is called "Fear, Hope, and Faithfulness" and looks at how our fear of the Lord and our hope in the Lord are seen in our obedience to God.
Peace Beyond All Understanding
In a world filled with conflict, the desire of every person is to live a life filled with peace. In John 14, Jesus declares that he wants to give us peace in this world. But the Peace of God is a kind of peace that is unique and onl...
Fear, Hope, and Idolatry
Did you know that we become like what we worship? The bible tells us that we were created in God's image and created to worship God. When we do this, we reflect God's character in our lives. But when we turn away from God and ...
Fear, Hope, and Worship
What is the purpose of our lives? This question has consumed philosophers through the ages. The biblical answer is actually fairly simple. We exist to worship God. Worship is more than just an hour long activity for Sund...
Fear, Hope, and Wisdom
We have spent the last five weeks in our sermon series looking at the relationship between the fear of the Lord and our hope in the Lord in Scripture. In this sermon we see how these important concepts impact our day to day lives as we se...
Fear, Hope, and the Gospel
The beating heart of the Christian faith is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the good news that Jesus, the Son of God, died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and then rose from the grave conquering sin and death and of...
Hope is a powerful thing. In moments of dark despair hope can be a shining beacon. But we must be careful where we place our hope because the source of our hope must be stronger than our struggles. Greater despair comes when w...
The Fear of the Lord
Fear is usually thought of as a negative thing (unless you are one of those strange people who enjoy horror movies). We try to avoid or overcome fear. We want to feel safe, certain, and secure rather than fearful. We often cry...
The Unfathomable Greatness of God
We use the word great with casual frequency. A movie is great. That new ice cream flavor is great. Our favorite pro athlete is great. What do we really mean by saying something is great? Great compared to what?&nbs...
Fear and Hope
What are you afraid of? Fear is rampant in our society today. We are barraged by images and ideas that stir up a sense of lostness, hopelessness, and fear. We grab onto those things that we think will fix our fear. We pu...
Guarding Your Heart
Worry, anxiety, fear, and cruelty seem to be the prevailing spirit of our culture and all too often within the church. The media, advertisements, internet personalities and politicians prey upon these emotions and are constantly fueling t...
Who am I?
Someone humorously lamented, 'I've always wanted to be somebody, but I see now I should have been more specific.' How do you want people to view you? How do you identify yourself when asked? How do you portray yourself on social med...