Orchard Community Church Sermon Audio

Growing in Grace

Pastor Dave Daye

We are starting a new sermon series called "Growing in Grace" which will cover the New Testament book of 2 Peter.  In this short letter, Peter, knowing his life would soon be over, gives some final reminders to people he cares about.  Most importantly, he wants them to know the grace given to them through Christ and for them to be diligent to live lives changed by this grace.  He warns them not to get taken in by those who teach something different than this incredible grace that saves them.  We still need these reminders today.  We need to remember the power of the grace of Jesus Christ that saved us and is at work in us.  We need to be diligent in living in such a way that we are depending on Christ's grace and living grace-changed lives.  And we are still confronted with ideas from both inside and outside the church that would undermine or even destroy this grace.  This sermon is simply called "Growing in Grace" and will be an overview of 2 Peter and the sermon series we will be in for the next month or so.