Orchard Community Church Sermon Audio

One Body

Pastor Dave Daye

I remember as a kid watching reruns of the show called "The Lone Ranger."  Just the title gives away the basic idea which is that there is one person, who is all by himself, taking on the world.  Of course, he wasn't actually all by himself as he had help along the way. But our culture today values the idea of a person who does not need anyone and is able to take on the world all by themselves.  Yet we all feel the need for help along the way. No one can truly be a Lone Ranger.  In fact, in our relationship with Christ we are commanded NOT to be Lone Rangers!  We are to gather with and join together with other believers.  We need each other as we follow Christ together.  We continue our sermon series on the local church called "A Peculiar Unity" by looking at 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 in a sermon called "One Body."  Here we see the importance of sharing a common commitment to Christ in the local church and how finding our place in a local church not only makes us stronger but builds up those around us as well.