Orchard Community Church Sermon Audio

The Bride of Christ

Pastor Dave Daye

"When God wanted to bring the incredible message about new life through His Son’s death and resurrection to the world, He didn’t create a program, build a structure, or start a country. He used a group of people. Though these people were different from each other and were each flawed, what joined them together was that they had been changed by Jesus."  I wrote these words when I first came to Orchard in order to have something to put on our website to explain to people what Orchard is all about.  Almost 13 years later I stand by these words.  We are starting a new sermon series looking at the importance of the local church in God's plan of salvation.  We see what the church is, what we are to do, how we are to do it, and how local church membership fits into this mission.  We start a new sermon series called "A Peculiar Unity: The Local Church in God's Great Plan" and the first sermon in this series is titled "The Bride of Christ."