Orchard Community Church Sermon Audio

The Moment the World Changed Forever

Pastor Dave Daye

We celebrate the most important, history-changing, life-altering event in the history of humanity.  It is impossible to overstate the magnitude of the impact of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection from the grave.  We look at the greatest problem of humanity, the greatest act of love ever committed, the most profound act of both justice and mercy, the most life changing truth, the most agonizing death, and the greatest hope ever offered.  No, it is simply not possible to make too much of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I believe it is the fact that we make too little of Christ's death and resurrection that so many people are living with so little hope.  I pray that you will carve out time this weekend to truly think about and praise God for the crucifixion and the resurrection of His Son, Jesus, for you and to join together in worship with other believers in Christ.  Whether you come to Orchard, or any of the other gospel focused churches in the area, I implore you to get to church this Sunday.  Attend in person.  Interact with other people whose lives have been changed by Jesus.  Lift your voice in praise with others who understand that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are our only and our greatest hope.  Let us come together on Easter morning to loudly proclaim, "He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!"