Orchard Community Church Sermon Audio
Orchard Community Church is in Rochester, New York. Pastor Dave Daye emphasizes going deep in our understanding and application of God's Word to our lives. Sermons are biblically based and relevant to life.
Podcasting since 2014 • 538 episodes
Orchard Community Church Sermon Audio
Latest Episodes
Be Prepared - Luke 3:1-20
Are you someone who prepares in advance for things or who just shows up and sees what happens? We see in Scripture that God carefully prepares. Throughout the Old Testament he was preparing the world for the coming of Jesus. After Jesus is born...
Fulfilling Our Debts - Romans 13:8-10
There's language thrown around in the church that describes sin in financial terms. Sin is something that puts us in debt and it is a debt we can never pay off. Redemption by our own efforts is impossible. But then, in comes C...
A Higher Commitment - Luke 2:41-52
Who should Jesus be and what should Jesus do? We have expectations all the time of what God should do in our lives or in our world. At the end Luke chapter 2 we read of a situation where a 12-year-old Jesus did not do what his parents expected....
The Big Picture - From Genesis to Revelation
This sermon is an annual tradition of using the first Sunday of the new year to look at an overview of the entire bible. In Scripture, God gives us one big picture of who He is, who we are, the relationship God has created us for, and His plan ...